AMC Trust was formed in March 1998 with a view to

  • Give encouragement to cancer patients that even advanced stages of cancer need not lead to death.
  • To minimize the pain and suffering of cancer patients, caused due to chemotherapy/ radiotherapy.
  • To improve the quality of life of cancer patients through alternative scientific approaches.
  • To identify the factors that lead to cure in the so-called ‘random occurrences’ of cancer cure.
  • To scientifically validate the alternative therapies, using the most modern and advanced testing techniques.
  • To campaign for and to carry out programmes for early detection of cancer, in order to improve the survival rate for cancer patients.
    Within a short span, AMC Trust has had cases of success, which gives confidence that we are on the right track. (See case-studies/ weekly update)
  • Cancer is deadly and cure possibility can be given only in terms of FIVE-YEAR SURVIVAL RATES.Existing treatments destroy more number of healthy cells and tissues than cancerous ones.
  • There are many cases of cure, using conventional (Radiotherapy/Chemotherapy with or without surgery) but these happen on early dectection of cancer. There are also many cases of cure mainly using alternative therapies like Yoga, Meditation, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Siddha etc. even in advanced stages of cancer. However they are not well researched & clinically validated
  • Millions of dollars are spent the world over on cancer research, but hardly any on alternative therapies.
  • There is a strong case to investigate these therapies and prove either way.
  • One might even stumble upon a therapy combining the best of the present conventional systems (surgery/ chemotherapy/ radiotherapy) with the alternative ones like yoga.
  • There have been phenomenal improvements for terminally ill patients with alternative therapies, like
             -Reduction in ascites in abdomen
             -Upward shift in pain threshold
             -Better bodily functions
             -Improved mental state of the patient
             -Improvement in immunity suppressed by conventional chemotherapy.
  • A cancer patient dies more often due to the therapy than cancer itself.
  • We are Glad to inform that many cancer hospitals in Hyderabad where we started Yoga therapy for cancer patients are now setting up their own yoga therapy centres.
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